Why Improve


I was reminded recently by an article from a friend of mine about how organizations often operate outside of reality. Many people fail to recognize that somewhere out there someone is competing with your organization, or preparing to compete with your organization. In both the manufacturing and the service sectors, unless you have a proprietary product, someone is actively pursing your market share. Even if you can hold someone off with a patent, similar competing products are on the horizon. You can choose to ignore this, act arrogantly, etc but it is happening whether you choose to believe it or not.

If you work in a government system, you are still in competition. Someone is trying to get your budget dollars. Someone else is trying to privatize your work. 

Outside of competition,  customers are demanding more very day.  Think about any product or service you have.  In the last three years or even 3 months have your expectations changed?  Are you not expecting better, cheaper, faster?  

The bottom line is the only way you can guarantee your long term survival is to adapt a mindset of continuous improvement. This enables you to continuously remain competitive by improving the value of your products and services. Corporate survival is important for you, your family, your organization, and the community you live in.  

One of my favorite quotes follows.  "Those who do not continually improve the value of the products and services they provide, will cease to exist as an organization."  Taichi Ohno

Maybe you work in a company that is happy with "how things are."  What can you do? One of the ways to generate enthusiasm for improvement if you don't have a pressing need is to create a crisis. Figure out who is competing for your customers, products, or services and you may be on your way. Figure out what your customers would like to see that you currently underperform on, or can't provide. The reality is the crisis already exists, you just may be ignorant or arrogant in refusing to see the facts.

Now that you recognize the need to improve, how do you get started.? Let's pick that up in the next blog.

What have you experienced in your improvement journey?

Lean Blessings,


Ron Bercaw, President

Breakthrough Horizons Ltd



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