Does Lean Apply to (insert your type of business)?


One of the questions I frequently get is, "Does lean work here?" Or worse, I can see how lean works in this business, but it won't work here.  As I learned almost day one in my personal lean journey,  If there is work being done, lean applies.  In reality lean works in any process where value is delivered to a customer. Last I checked, this is just about any work being done anywhere. 

There are thousands of applications of lean beyond transactional processes, or repetitive manufacturing. The specific lean tools used may be different, and the application of the tools will almost certainly vary industry by industry.   But if you are in business, your goods or services are providing value to a customer. Otherwise, why does the good or service exist?

To give you an idea of where lean has been applied (and this is a very small sample) consider these diverse applications: shipbuilding, military equipment and electronics repair, retail, distribution, commercial manufacturing, banking, insurance, health care, manufacturing, new product development, administration, restaurant, hotel and institutional management.  The list is truly endless.

The concept of continuously enhancing the value of the goods and services being offered will work in any environment. Any environment includes: large and small organizations, union and non-union organizations, build to order, build to stock, make to order, and design to order environments, and in both public and private sectors.

The issue is not whether lean applies to environment X, but rather do you have the will to make the change. If you can't see how lean applies in your unique environment,  seek out an expert, or benchmark within your industry. What are your peers doing to improve?  Ohno, one of the founders of the Toyota Production System that lean is based on,  has a famous quote.  "Organizations that fail to continuously improve the value of their products and services will cease to exist."   So if lean doesn't apply in your business, at least have a back-up plan.

What business applications of lean are you struggling with?

Lean Blessings,


Ron Bercaw

President, Breakthrough Horizons, LTD 


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