
Why Do Transformational Efforts Fail? Part 3

    Lean Nation, Welcome back to part three of a four-part series. This  month's topic is a continuation of a series that was spawned from a LinkedIn posting on failing transformational efforts. For your reference, the link to the posting is here.  (2) Post | LinkedIn .   I n this posting the writer suggested that Agile and Change Management efforts are finished within industry. There are several thousand comments arguing for and against the hypothesis.  Soon after this a posting, I received an article with the hypothesis being that 98% of the organizations that embark on continuous improvement journeys  completely abandon their efforts within 18 months . I do not have any data to support or refute this hypothesis either, but I do not think it is a coincidence that several people are writing about this topic.  I can confirm, from my consulting practice of nearly 20 years, that many organizations start off strong and then reduce or even comple...

Why Do Transformational Efforts Fail? Part 2

   Lean Nation, I want to wish everyone a happy new year. Hopefully, 2024 was a good year for your personally and professionally and 2025 will be even better! As promised from the previous blog, this month's topic is a continuation of a 4-part series that was spawned from a LinkedIn posting on failing transformational efforts. For your reference, the link to the posting is here.  (2) Post | LinkedIn     Recall, in this posting the writer suggested that Agile and Change Management efforts are finished within industry. There are several thousand comments arguing for and against the hypothesis.  Also recall, I received an article with the hypothesis being that 98% of the organizations that embark on continuous improvement journeys completely abandon their efforts within 18 months . I do not have any data to support or refute this hypothesis either, but I do not think it is a coincidence that several people are writing about this topic.  I can conf...

Breakthrough Highlights: Why Do Transformational Efforts Fail?

 Lean Nation, I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday weekend and enjoyed some time with family and friends.  It is always nice to have a long weekend to re-charge your spirit and prepare to finish up strong in 2024.  I also hope 2025 is your best year ever personally and professionally. This month's topic is a follow up from a LinkedIn posting on transformational efforts.  For your reference, the link to the posting is here.  (2) Post | LinkedIn       In this posting the writer suggests that Agile and Change Management efforts are finished within industry.  There are several thousand comments arguing for and against the hypothesis.  I also received an article two weeks ago with the hypothesis being that 98% of the organizations that embark on continuous improvement journeys, completely abandon their efforts within 18 months.   I do not have any data to support or refute this hypothesis either, but I don't think it...

How to Draft and Publish a Book

 Lean Nation, This month we are going to deviate from our normal lean based topics.  One of the questions I frequently get is how do you author and publish a book. At the time of this blog, my fifth publication is currently in copy edit in anticipation of a fall or winter release. Truth be told, I was a math geek in high school. I dodged every English and literature class I could. I nearly failed first-year English class in college. So how did it get to the point that I have now published five books in a 13-year span? Probably divine intervention, but more seriously I have learned a few things along the way, and I would like to share them with you in this blog. I think everyone can author a book, but most people fail to get started. If you have a story, it should be told. Not to get rich to but to capture your thinking at a point in time. Once in print, your work is available for generations. So, with that introduction, let us review the key steps for consideration in writing ...