
Showing posts from June, 2021

Lean Management versus Lean Operations- What's the difference? Why does it matter?

  When deploying lean I find it helpful to separate the activities into two components: lean operating systems and lean management systems. They both are integral parts of becoming and entity with world class culture and performance .  These terms are used interchangeably in various organizations, but the tools techniques, and applications of lean are different for both components.  Your lean operating system will consist of tools and activities related with improvement like kaizen, value streams, flow, pull, takt time, time observation, etc. (setting standards and improving standards) Sometimes I find it helpful to think in terms of breakthrough  improvement.   The lean operating system should be able to consistently  deliver double digit improvement  in the areas of staff morale and engagement, quality , lead-time, and cost. Your lean management system will consist of all the things related to managing and sustaining your lean environment su...

Why Are Some Teams Successful?

  See Beyond the Horizon Anyone who knows me understands I love sports and use a lot of sports analogies when I am trying to make points related to improvement.  This story is one of my favorites. A few years back,  I was listening to a former coach and he was talking about the pre-game locker room speech he would give his players. During this speech, he talked about how his players, coaches and fans want to win. But he said the other team's players coaches and fans also  want  to win. Heck, everyone wants to win. So what will create the difference between winning and losing? The difference between winning teams and losing teams is that winning teams  expect  to win. By expecting to win, their team is willing to perform the necessary acts to prepare themselves to win, then leverage their winning preparation during the game in a way so that they refuse to lose. When I am working with managers during improvement exercises, the difference between succes...

Does Lean Apply to (insert your type of business)?

  One of the questions I frequently get is, "Does lean work here?" Or worse, I can see how lean works in this business, but it won't work here.  As I learned almost day one in my personal lean journey,  If there is work being done, lean applies.  In reality lean works in any process where value is delivered to a customer. Last I checked, this is just about any work being done anywhere.  There are thousands of applications of lean beyond  transactional processes , or repetitive   manufacturing.  The specific lean tools used may be different, and the application of the tools will almost certainly vary industry by industry.   But if you are in business, your goods or services are providing value to a customer. Otherwise, why does the good or service exist? To give you an idea of where lean has been applied (and this is a very small sample) consider these diverse applications: shipbuilding, military equipment and electronics repair, retail,...

How Long Does It Take to Master Lean?

I have been quite fortunate to work with hundreds of organizations on their lean approach to improving their business. Over time, many of these organizations get  detailed lessons in the tools, techniques, and applications of some of the more common tools for seeing and eliminating waste. These include flow mapping, takt time, time observation, loading diagrams, VA/NVA analysis, standard work, and process control. The best way to learn is to have the time to practice each tool with real examples.  Even better to apply the tool to unique and actual problems in the workplace.  When learning in a training environment, team members are generally overwhelmed. Not that tools are complicated, as each one in itself is relatively simple to learn. None require more than a fourth grade education. The sense of overwhelming comes from the hundreds of applications of the tools, and the decision making that is required to select the right tool in the right setting. This takes years to ...